The Power of Video Marketing for Real Estate Agents in Dubai

If you are a real estate agent in Dubai, you know how competitive the market is. With over 60,000 real esstate agents competing for the same listings and clients, you have to do your best to stand out from the crowd.

Furthermore you have to deal with sellers listing their properties with multiple agents, the difficulty in acquiring those listings with the documents including form A, title deed and passport copy, the constant price fluctuations, and the cultural diversity of the buyers and sellers.

How can you do that?

One of the most effective ways to sell your listings is to use video marketing. Video marketing can help showcase your properties in a more engaging, informative, and persuasive way than traditional pictures and text. In this blog post, we will show you how to use video marketing to sell your property in Dubai faster and easier. We will also share some tips and best practices on how to create and use video listings that will attract more buyers and generate more sales.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing can be used for various purposes, such as:

  • Raising awareness: Video marketing can help you introduce the property to your target audience and educate them about its features, benefits, and amenities.
  • Generating interest: Video marketing can help you capture the attention of potential customers and spark their curiosity and desire for the property.
  • Driving action: Video marketing can help you persuade your prospects to take action, such as visiting your website, contacting you, or making a purchase.

Why is video marketing important for real estate agents in Dubai?

Video marketing is especially important for real estate agents in Dubai because of the nature of the industry and the market. Here are some of the reasons why video marketing is essential for real estate agents in Dubai:

  • Video marketing can help you showcase your properties in a more realistic and detailed way than photos or text. It can help agents highlight the best features and benefits of their listings such as the size, the layout, the design, the amenities, and the view. Video marketing can also help you show the lifestyle and culture of the neighborhood and the city.
  • Video marketing can help you build trust, credibility, and rapport with your potential buyers. It can help you demonstrate your expertise, professionalism, and personality as a real estate agent.
  • Video marketing can help you reach a wider audience and increase your visibility online by leveraging the power of social media platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Video marketing can also help you optimize your website for search engines, such as Google and Bing.
  • Video marketing can help you boost your conversions and sales. Video marketing can generate more leads, inquiries, appointments, referrals, and commissions.  51% of homebuyers already use YouTube as their number one destination for property search.
  • Video marketing helps you filter out the serious buyers from the casual ones. When a client sees a video that shows the property in detail, they have a better idea of what it is like than just looking at static images. This means that they are more likely to contact you if they are really interested in buying, rather than just browsing around.
  • According to the National Association of Realtors, 73% of homeowners say they are more likely to list with a real estate agent who uses video and 403% more inquiries are driven from listings with video 

How to create video listings for your properties in Dubai?

Creating video listings for your properties in Dubai is not as difficult or expensive as you may think. You do not need to hire a professional videographer or buy expensive equipment. You can create video listings using your smartphone, a tripod or a stabilizer, a microphone or a headset, and some editing software or apps. Here are some steps on how to create video listings for your properties in Dubai:

  • Plan your video: Before you start filming, plan your video by deciding on the purpose, the message, the audience, and the duration of your video. You should also prepare a script or an outline of what you want to say and show in your video. You should also scout the location and check the lighting and sound conditions.
  • Film your video: When you film your video, make sure to follow these tips:
    • Use portrait mode: Film your video vertically rather than horizontally as most platforms are designed to have videos watched in portrait mode.
    • Use steady shots: Use a tripod or a stabilizer to keep your camera steady and avoid shaky or blurry shots. If you don’t have one, do your best to keep the camera stable
    • Use wide-angle lens: most phones have the ability to zoom out and use the camera in-built ultra-wide camera lens that allows you to capture a much broader scene than your typical phone camera. This also helps to stabilize the video as you walk through the property.
    • Use good lighting: Use natural light as much as possible and avoid direct sunlight or backlighting that can create glare or shadows.
    • Use clear sound: Use a microphone or a headset to record clear sound and avoid background noise or echo. You can also use tools such as CapCut to mute any distracting audio and add music or a voice-over in post-production.
    • Use different angles: Use different angles and perspectives to show different aspects of your property, such as the exterior, the interior, the rooms, the amenities, and the view.
    • Use transitions: Use transitions such as fades or cuts to move smoothly from one scene to another. This helps to build a steady pace and helps to retain viewers.
    • Short-form video: Keep the videos short, fast and entertaining. Audiences today are in a rush and are used to getting all their information in a few minutes, similar to social media experiences like TikTok of Instagram Reels.
    • Get in-front of the camera: Getting in-front of the camera and explaining the property with your own words can be very useful, especially if there is a story behind the listing. Dress sharp, speak clearly and add captions for your voiceover for more views and conversions.
  • Edit your video: After you film your video, edit your video by using editing software or apps on your computer or mobile device. You can edit your video by doing these tasks:
    • Trim your video: Trim your video to remove any unnecessary or redundant parts and keep it concise and relevant.
    • Add text and graphics: Add text and graphics to your video to highlight the key information and features of your property, such as the address, the price, the size, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and the contact details.
    • Add music and voice-over: Add music and voice-over to your video to create a mood and tone for your video. You can use royalty-free music and voice-over from online sources, such as YouTube Audio Library. Make sure to choose music and voice-over that match your brand, your message, and your audience.
    • Add a call-to-action: Add a call-to-action to your video to encourage your viewers to take the next step, such as visiting your website, contacting you, or booking a viewing.
  • Upload to Viewit: Once you’re ready to post, publish your video listings to Viewit! A property portal designed to show video listings so you can get qualified leads.


Video marketing is a powerful tool for real estate agents in Dubai who want to sell their properties faster and easier. Video marketing can help showcase properties in a more realistic, detailed, and appealing way.

Video marketing can also help you build trust, credibility, and rapport with potential buyers. Video marketing can also help you reach a wider audience, increase your visibility, improve your personal brand as an agent and boost your conversions by using Viewit!

However, video marketing also requires planning, preparation, and execution. You need to know how to create and use video listings that will highlight the best features and benefits of your properties. You also need to know how to optimize your videos for SEO, social media, and online platforms.

If you want to learn more about video marketing for real estate agents in Dubai, you can visit our website and sign up for a FREE guide on video marketing.

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