The world of property viewing has evolved significantly in recent years. Gone are the days of flipping through static images and puzzling over floor plans. The future is here.

Today, prospective buyers and renters have a plethora of immersive options at their fingertips. Let’s embark on a journey through the diverse landscape of property viewing methods, including video tours, Virtual Reality (VR), 3D plans, and more. And yes, we’ll show you how Viewit is leading the way.

Video Tours

Video tours bring properties to life. They involve agents or owners filming comprehensive walkthroughs, showcasing every nook and cranny of the property, including its layout, features, and atmosphere.

Why Video Reigns Supreme:

Realistic Experience

Video tours offer a true-to-life experience, almost as if you were walking through the property yourself. You can gauge the scale, ambiance, and flow effortlessly.

Immersive Storytelling

Videos engage your senses. You can hear the creak of the hardwood floor, the breeze through the garden, and the echo of your footsteps. It’s a complete sensory experience.

Comprehensive Details

Unlike other methods, video leaves no stone unturned. You won’t be left wondering about crucial property aspects; everything is on display.

No Special Equipment

While Virtual Reality (VR) tours require headsets, video tours are accessible on most devices, making them incredibly user-friendly.

Time and Cost-Efficient

Creating a high-quality video tour is relatively cost-effective and can be done quickly compared to developing VR experiences.

Where videos may fall short:

Lack of details

Some videos may not cover all details, leaving questions unanswered.

Quality can vary

Some may have shaky camerawork or poor lighting.

Virtual Reality (VR) Tours

VR tours take property viewing to a whole new level. They use VR headsets or mobile devices to create an immersive, 360-degree experience. Users can “walk” through the property, look around, and interact with elements.


  • Immersive and interactive; you’re in control of where you go.
  • Gives a true sense of being inside the property.
  • Ideal for remote buyers or those wanting a realistic preview.


  • Requires VR equipment or a compatible device.
  • Creating VR tours can be more complex and costly.
  • Potential for motion sickness if not done well.

3D Plans

3D plans are like digital blueprints brought to life. They offer a detailed, three-dimensional representation of the property’s layout and design. Users can explore the space from different angles.


  • Excellent for understanding spatial relationships and flow.
  • No special equipment is needed; accessible on most devices.
  • Helps in visualizing renovations or interior design changes.


  • Lacks the immersive quality of VR or video tours.
  • Can feel somewhat clinical without the property’s real-world ambiance.
  • Requires a degree of spatial imagination.

Your Video Tour Maestro

At Viewit, we recognize the supremacy of video tours. It’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves exclusively to this format. When you choose Viewit, you’re opting for the pinnacle of property viewing.

Why Viewit Excels:

  1. All-in-One Platform: Say goodbye to hopping between platforms for different viewing methods. Viewit offers the most immersive video tours, and that’s our singular focus.
  2. User-Friendly: Viewit is designed with user convenience in mind. Our platform is easy to navigate, ensuring a hassle-free viewing experience.
  3. Variety of Properties: From apartments to villas, our extensive listings encompass various property types, all brought to life through exceptional video tours.

When it comes to property viewing, video tours stand head and shoulders above the rest, offering unmatched realism, immersion, and detail.

And when you’re looking for the ultimate video tour experience, Viewit is your unrivaled choice. We’re dedicated to bringing you the most immersive, engaging, and informative property videos, making your search for the perfect home an absolute delight.

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